On higher difficulty, use biotic powers like Stasis to hold the Scions in place long enough to take them out, and use the heavy weapon in Shepard's arsenal to destroy masses of enemies efficiently. There are three waves of platform-carrying enemies in this fight, and depending on the difficulty level, it can quickly escalate into one of the hardest battles in the game. If Shepard can shoot and kill them during transformation, Harbinger is temporarily stopped from overpowering them, but will quickly move on to another Collector to ensure Shepard gets his message. Take cover and begin taking out the enemies, which will occasionally embody Harbinger like they did on Horizon. In the distance, the first Collectors seen aboard the ship begin spiraling on similar platforms toward Shepard. As they recover their balance, EDI says she will maintain contact.

The platform Shepard is on surges upward with the squad. Shepard can earn +2 Paragon for saying, "They were Protheans," and either another +2 Paragon for commenting on the horror of their fate, or +2 Renegade for saying they'd be better off dead. Shepard contacts EDI, who runs an analysis on the experiments the Collectors were running and determines they were comparing their own genetics to human genetics. On the Normandy, EDI discovers something even more shocking and unexpected: Collector DNA matches Prothean DNA, confirming that the Protheans aren't actually extinct, but were genetically modified to become Reaper slaves.

Up ahead is a control terminal, which will trigger a cutscene when approached. Move down the tunnel and salvage the Collector Tech (worth 7500 credits) on the right, then grab the med-kit.

Advancing forward, they happen upon piles of dead bodies, and Shepard can earn morality points: +2 Paragon for saying they might be better off, or +2 Renegade for noting they can't be helped now. After rounding the bend, Shepard encounters the first evidence of the colonists' brutal fate: stasis pods.

EDI will be in constant contact with Shepard, and early on, she informs them that the ship's signature matches the one they encountered on Horizon.